A dream is just a dream
A goal is a dream with plan and action !!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

FYP progress 3

Haiz ...after i study my fyp for so long .. today only realise there is some misunderstanding of my concept for my fyp ....thx to my supervisor's class mate last time, which is also a lecturer in UNITEN. She told me the real concept and with it, i think i am proceding to the right direction...

The missunderstanding of the concept is in reducing the coefficient. Today the lecturer told me, the coefficient is reduce by multiple with the identity matrix (1 row and M coloum),

T = dctmtx(8) %generate transform matrix
B = blkproc(I,[8 8],'P1*x*P2',T,T') %Apply T across the image in 8*8 blocks
B2=B*eye(255, 1) % reduce the coefficient

S0 B2 will be some value in matrix (255*1) .... so this will be the input which will be choosen in future to be trainned....

*****think at last there is some progress in my FYP ... . if not sure stuck in progress report 2

Tuesday, September 8, 2009





Sunday, September 6, 2009

My progress on my FYP

My progress on my FYP ~~ for those interested > . < '' my project can be divide into 4 part basically

input -->image processing --> Artificial neural network --> output

Here is part of my hard work on the image processing part, it is done through Discrete Cosine transform. Here is the theory on how it working again . Firstly, the signal originally is in spatial domain. By DCT, we transform it to frequency domain. In frequency domain, the signal is in spectrum form where most of the information of the image is in low frequency. Our eyes also not sensitive to high frequency information, so theoretically we can filter the high frequency out without affect the image. THen IDCT is done to transform it back

so this is the result of filter out the high frequency, because the photo are not really clear after upload, so we cant really c the different at here . But if it is in the computer, the first 1 is the original one and the other is 50% filter on row and coloum ,75% filiter on row and coloum and 87.5 filter on the row and coloum information. The more we filter out, the image will become more "blur"

This is the same image in grayscale >.<

after DCT and IDCT, the feature needed to be trained can be reduced

** will it only make ppl feel ever blur ???

My Final Year Project tittle

Posture Recognition using RBF and MLP Neural Network

*now maybe change to defective tin a.k.a tin rosak recognition =.= '''

Some brieft introduction on field of my fyp [boring literature review]

Artificial neural networks can be most adequately characterized as “computational model” with the properties such as the ability to adapt and learn, to generalize, to cluster or organize data where all the operations are working based on parallel processing. For the above properties, there are some other existing non neural models can be attributed. Artificial neural networks are proven to be a better approach for certain applications.

The utility of artificial neural network models lie in the fact that they can be used to infer a function from observations. It comes in hand in applications where the complexity of the data or task makes the design of such a function by hand impractical. Artificial neural network are applied in broad categories from functional approximation (time series prediction, fitness approximation and modeling), classification (pattern and sequence recognition, sequential decision making), data processing (filtering, clustering, compression) and robotics (directing manipulators) [1]

RBF network (Radial basis function) and MLP network (multi-layer perceptron) are commonly involved in artificial neural network classification application. A RBF network is an artificial neural network that uses radial basis functions as activation functions. Generally, it consists of two layers of processing. The input is mapped onto each RBF in the hidden layer. The RBF is usually a Gaussian. A MLP is a feed forward artificial neural network model that maps sets of input data onto a set of appropriate output. It uses there or more layers of neurons with nonlinear activation function.



I think most of the people wont know what it is and wont interested to know it also ..... maybe a real life example will be easier

When we taking photo with camera, there is a function as smile detection or face detection. It will capture the motion of the face and snap when there is a smile or focus on the face (theoretically >.<). Basically, the input is the image capture by the camera and the input have been trained with ANN(RBF,MLP, SVM etc) to perform the function.
The neuron is train with the image such as face or non face before its perform the function . The theory of how my FYP working is similar to this one....

* i doubt do people can understand this o not ???